What is "well-tested" C code?

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

As indicated on the copyright notice, there are no warrantees that anything here works at all. That's the legal language. On the positive side, much of this software has been heavily used over the past four years, indicating that it is quite reliable. It has been subjected to variable amounts of regression testing. Nearly every program in the prog directory is a regression test, and some of the most thorough ones, of which there are 33, have the suffix _reg.

I have seen estimates that commercial software has between 5 and 20 errors per 1000 lines of code. This may seem high, but many of these errors do not result in serious bugs. Taking the low end, one might guess that the code in the Leptonica library, which at present is about 100K lines, would have about 1000 errors. I hope it is much smaller, but obviously cannot prove it.

To illustrate some of the methods I've used to prevent errors, consider the rasterop implementation, which is some of the most intricate, and hence error-prone, code you will find here. It is about 2600 lines. You can find a thorough description of rasterop here, and the source code is annotated with comments that should be sufficient to understand what is happening if you know in general what it is supposed to do.

Now rasterop, which works on packed data, has implicitly many different cases. Besides the obvious ones of the specific logical operation that is used, rasterop requires clipping of the source and destination images, and a rectangular region can be taken from any arbitrary part of the source (i.e., the left and right edges of the rectangular region can have any possible alignment with respect to the word boundaries in the source image) and it can be placed on any arbitrary part of the destination (again, all possible locations of left and right edges, relative to destination word alignment, are possible). These pieces can vary from a few pixels in width to the entire image. For example, when the source image fragment is very small, all pixels on a raster line may fit within one 32-bit word, or may span two words, and likewise for the destination image. How can one test all this?

There are really two types of tests that need to be performed. The first is to test that the result is correct. That is the problem of "many cases" described above. The second is to test that no illegal memory operations are performed. These are of course related, in that if you are fairly sure the algorithm always gives the correct answer, and it never crashes, it is unlikely to be making serious memory errors.

Consider first the problem of correctness. We have tested this in many ways, but the most thorough is to use rasterop to implement binary morphology. For example, consider dilation. We can dilate an image with a structuring element (Sel) in the following two ways, and compare the results:

These two methods should give identical results. For a large image with many ON pixels, and for a variety of sizes of Sel, the second method should give many instances of each possible combination of source and dest image alignment. Here is a program that was written to make the test. An image file is read, generating the internal source image pixs. The outermost loop sets the Sel widths and heights to span all sizes between the desired limits. Inside, pixDilate() uses the standard rasterop method for dilation, given by the first method above. Then the second method is used, where a small image of ON pixels is generated that has the same shape as the Sel used by the first method. The rest of the program should be self-explanatory. With a million ON pixels in the source image, it does a million rasterops using the small image of the Sel.

    for (width = MINW; width <= MAXW; width++) {
	for (height = MINH; height <= MAXH; height++) {

	    cx = width / 2;
	    cy = height / 2;

		/* dilate using an actual sel */
	    sel = selCreateBrick(height, width, cy, cx, HIT);
	    pixd1 = pixDilate(NULL, pixs, sel);

		/* dilate using a pix as a sel */
	    pixse = pixCreate(width, height, 1);
	    pixd2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
	    w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
	    h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
	    for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
		    pixGetPixel(pixs, j, i, &val);
		    if (val)
			pixRasterop(pixd2, j - cx, i - cy, width, height,
				    PIX_SRC | PIX_DST, pixse, 0, 0);
	    pixEqual(pixd1, pixd2, &same);
	    if (same == 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "Correct: results for (%d,%d) are identical!\n",
		                 width, height);
	    else {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: results are different!\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "SE: width = %d, height = %d\n", width, height);
		pixWrite("junkout1", pixd1, IFF_PNG);
		pixWrite("junkout2", pixd2, IFF_PNG);


This has been used to dilate large and small images, including images with pixels distributed somewhat randomly and extending to the boundaries. No errors have been observed. Once we are convinced that the rasterop is working properly, the rasterop implementation can then be used to test the fast destination word accumulation implementation method.

What about the second type of test, for illegal memory operations? The only real test is a memory checker. This is a program that checks every memory reference to make sure that all reads and writes are to valid memory on the stack or allocated on the heap. These programs also note uninitialized memory that is read, allocated memory that is not freed, and other such pecadillos. Not all invalid memory references will cause a program to crash. Debuggers like gdb do not check memory references; they only catch signals from the kernel that are intended to kill the program. The real cause of a crash may be an illegal write that put bad data in a memory address. Only later, when this is read, does the program terminate. In 2001, a memory management debugger for x86/Linux, called valgrind, became available. The early versions worked beautifully, and it has been continuously improved and expanded. Valgrind is very simple to use, and provides essentially the same functionality as "purify" but at a more reasonable price (free: it is open source). This is described in more detail. When using valgrind, the program runs about 50 times slower, But I have used valgrind with the test program above (and just about every other testing program) to search (unsuccessfully) for illegal memory operations in rasterop.

At present, 145 regression tests are run by prog/alltests_reg. All have been run through valgrind to check for memory errors and leaks. In addition, there are a number of internal Google fuzzing programs that have running, starting in 2014. Google security operations has also made an open-source utility on github for fuzzing: oss-fuzz. Presently, we have 45 fuzzing programs, written by Adam Korczynski and located in prog/fuzzing, that are continuously running in oss-fuzz. See README.html for information on how to run these programs using clang-10 with both address sanitizer and memory sanitizer.

Creative Commons License
This documentation is licensed by Dan Bloomberg under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

© Copyright 2001-2023, Leptonica