Assuming that you’ve downloaded or built the requisite image libraries, building liblept itself is straightforward since a Visual Studio solution file is provided.
Download the latest version of Leptonica from here. Extract the archive to the BuildFolder directory. You should now have:
BuildFolder\ giflib-4.1.6\ include\ jpeg-8c\ leptonica-1.68\ lib\ libtiff-3.9.4\ lpng143\ zlib\
Download the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 build package from here. Extract the archive to the BuildFolder\leptonica-1.68 directory. You should now have:
BuildFolder\ giflib-4.1.6\ include\ jpeg-8c\ leptonica-1.68\ vs2008\ lib\ libtiff-3.9.4\ lpng143\ zlib\
leptprotos.h has the wrong declaration for setPixMemoryManager() under Windows. Change it from:
LEPT_DLL extern void setPixMemoryManager ( void * ( allocator (size_t ) ), void ( deallocator ( void * ) ) );
LEPT_DLL extern void setPixMemoryManager (void *((*allocator)(size_t)), void ((*deallocator)(void *)) );
Copy all the .h header files from leptonica-1.68\src to BuildFolder\include\leptonica.
Open BuildFolder\leptonica-1.68\vs2008\leptonica.sln with Visual Studio 2008.
Select the desired build configuration (either LIB Debug, LIB Release, DLL Debug, or DLL Release and probably Win32).
LIB Debug builds use the following C compiler options:
/Od /I "..\..\include"
/D "XMD_H"
/FD /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"LIB Debug\\" /Fd"LIB Debug\vc90.pdb"
/W3 /nologo /c /Z7 /errorReport:prompt
LIB Release builds use the following C compiler options:
/O2 /I "..\..\include"
/FD /EHsc /MD /Fo"LIB Release\\" /Fd"LIB Release\vc90.pdb"
/W3 /nologo /c /errorReport:prompt
DLL Debug builds use the following C compiler options:
/Od /I "..\..\include"
/D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_USRDLL" /D "_WINDLL"
/D "XMD_H"
/FD /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"DLL Debug\\" /Fd"DLL Debug\vc90.pdb"
/W3 /nologo /c /Z7 /errorReport:prompt
DLL Release builds use the following C compiler options:
/O2 /I "..\..\include"
/FD /EHsc /MD /Fo"DLL Release\\" /Fd"DLL Release\vc90.pdb"
/W3 /nologo /c /errorReport:prompt
All configurations turn off some warnings with the following options:
/wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4018 /wd4267 /wd4996
DLL releases set the following linker options:
Right-click liblept168 in the Solution Explorer and Choose Build or Rebuild from the context menu (Choosing Build ‣ Build Solution (F6) or Build ‣ Rebuild Solution from the Visual Studio menubar will result in ioformats_reg also being built). The resultant library will automatically be copied to BuildFolder\lib.
The libraries are named as follows:
Debug Builds |
Release Builds |
Static library |
liblept168-static-mtdll-debug.lib |
liblept168-static-mtdll.lib |
liblept168d.lib (import library)
liblept168.lib (import library)