Updated: Oct 16, 2024
Leptonica is a pedagogically-oriented open source library
containing software that is broadly useful for image processing
and image analysis applications.
Featured operations are
- Rasterop (a.k.a. bitblt)
- Affine transformations (scaling, translation, rotation, shear)
on images of arbitrary pixel depth
- Binary and grayscale morphology, rank order, and convolution
- Seedfill and connected components
- Image transformations combining changes in scale and pixel depth
- Pixelwise masking, blending, enhancement, arithmetic ops, etc.
Ancillary operations include
- I/O for standard image formats
- Utilities to handle arrays of image-related data types
- Utilities for generic stacks, queues, heaps and lists;
and for byte queues and arrays of numbers and strings
Example applications include
- Octcube-based color quantization, with and without dithering
- Modified median-cut color quantization, with and without dithering
- Skew determination of text images
- Segmentation of page images with mixed text and images
- jbig2 unsupervised classifier
- Border representations of 1 bit/pixel images and raster
conversion for SVG
- PostScript generation (levels 1, 2, 3) of images for
device-independent output
- PDF generation (levels 1, 2) of images for device-independent output
- Dewarping images of text taken with a camera
- Book-adaptive text recognition
- Rendering text on an image
- Connectivity-preserving thinning and thickening of 1 bit/pixel images
- Line removal from a grayscale sketch
- Search for least-cost paths on binary and grayscale images
Reference documentation for users
- The Leptonica image processing and analysis source code comes
with a very weakly restricted
copyright license.
gives an overview of installation and usage, with a brief
description of the library contents.
- A page of brief notes on version
- A high-level view of the source
files in the library.
- For a deeper look into specific components of the library,
see the web pages linked from the
image processing page.
- Over 10 years ago, Tom Powers built the
Unofficial Leptonica Documentation.
The README and other information about the software is based on
version 1.68, and is far out of date. This documentation
contains anecdotes and information about algorithmic approaches
in a readable form. However, the ancient versions of leptonica
referred to in these pages have not been supported for a long time.
- Uncompleted sets of somewhat detailed
usage notes and a
lightweight overview have been attempted but are unlikely
to be completed anytime in the current millenium.
- The final arbiter is, of course, the source itself.
Source download
- Click here to download
the source.
[ update: Oct 16, 2024 ]
- See here for further
information about the source code.
Fun stuff
Contact: Dan Bloomberg (bloomberg "at" ieee "dot" org) for
questions and suggestions

This documentation is licensed by Dan Bloomberg under a
Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 United States License.
© Copyright 2001-2024, Leptonica